Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our stay at Treetop Cabin

Our home for the month was a 2 story with an A-frame upper level, built of pine and glass high in the treetops. The interior was open plan with mirrored walls. There were verandas on 3 sides and an outside hot tub with a cabana built around it, with a skylight in the roof so you could watch the stars. In the oak tree outside the bedroom and lounge, the owners had hung bird feeders for the seed-eating birds such as woodpeckers, blue jays, pigeons, finches and others. There was a nectar feeder for the hummingbirds. There were constant visitors to this free feeding station and I never tired of watching them. Squirrels were frequent visitors also. Their antics around the hanging feed containers were amusing to watch. There was a hierarchy; big birds first – the Acorn Woodpeckers as a family group peck holes in the branches to store the seed. Other birds and the squirrels steal it when they are away. The small birds arrive and snatch seed in between looking nervously all around them.